Low-Voltage Electric Commitment

Law-voltage grids are grids that have voltages between 1 volt and 1000 volts (1kV). These grids consist of electric lines that from the distribution transformer to consumers(subscribers). Low voltages are used in distribution grids rather than transmission because voltage drop and power loss are high in low voltage transmissions. In Türkiye, low voltage is used as 220 V and 380 V by subscribers.

Busbar is a prefabricated and modular system that is designed for the distribution and transportation of electricity power. The general structure of the system consists of aluminum or copper conductive isolation materials in accordance with standards in a metal body. To prevent rusting due to corrosion and false grounding of Low Voltage Busbar Systems even after years, the outer casings are made of aluminum materials. It can be used in many different areas such as shopping malls, factories, hotels, schools, workplaces, LV output of transformer centers, lightings system, and transmission systems.

In large production facilities and workplaces, the main distribution of electric energy is made by low voltage (LV) distribution panels. The energy that comes from the transformers is sent to the distribution panels and distribution is taken place from there. In large facilities, the product is assembled with a compensation panel. According to the places of use, it can be designed as flush mounted and surface mounted. It can be produced by either DKP (scoured steel plate) panel or insulating materials. Compensation is the operation that helps to keep the system stable at a near ideal degree by correcting the phase shift between voltage and current caused by inductive and capacitive effects. Panel dimensions are determined and designed according to the power and voltage value of the facility. It may show design differences, externally and internally.

Generators are especially used in hospitals, schools and workplaces and are the most ideal machines to provide continuity of systems that work with electrical energy. The working principle of generators is conversion the mechanical energy into electrical energy. In short, it is a kind of an electricity energy productor which convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. If there is no electric power due to system breakdown or lack of electric network in residence, electrical energy can be produced through generators. As soon as the power current that comes from the grid is cut off, in a short time, automatically working generators can function as an electrical power for workplaces, houses, or the whole building.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is called for electrical devices that protect the systems fed with electrical energy against voltage fluctuations such as collapses, rises, sudden changes, and harmonics that may occur in the network, and that ensures the continuity of the system by producing energy during a power outage. Uninterruptible Power Supplies have two duties against the systems that are fed with electrical energy. The first one is to protect the system against unfavorable grid conditions. The second one is to provide time for the user to complete the emergency operations in the system by transferring the energy stored in it to the system for a while during the power outage.

Building automation and management systems are established in the purpose of providing energy productivity and creating the demanded conditions, to actuate the emergency scenarios determined before independently from manual use. For this purpose; it provides control and report from only one center the systems such as air-conditioning and ventilation devices, indoor and outdoor lighting, motorized curtain, blinds, shading systems; devices as energy analyzer, water calorimeters, and water-meters; transformer, generator, uninterruptible power supply and similar devices; parking lot exhaust gas detection, folding facades. It is also possible to control the entire building from a single center with minimum personnel and maximum efficiency by integrating the systems such as CCTV (closed circuit television), access control, fire detection, etc. with other security systems.

Light which has physiological and psychological effects on people is one of the most basic needs for home, work, and social life. The intensity, color, and position of light which is used for both design and need can completely change the atmosphere of the setting. The use of armatures that has different features in the lighting design or the same armatures in different use and positioning can create different perspectives in the same place. For this reason, some basic elements and rules emerge in the use of light. The lighting design is a technical step that ensures that the light to be applied in the best way according to the architectural and geographical conditions of the spaces. It is aimed to use the areas in the most efficient and healthy way with the lighting design that includes comprehensive analyzes and planning.

Lighting Automation saves time by managing the interior and exterior architectural lighting systems of the building from one center, it provides the opportunity to get full energy savings and efficiency by measuring the intensity and usage conditions of light; thus,  the errors and malfunctions caused by use would be reduced. The lighting automation system provides; communication between the user and the structure; adjustable motion and asset sensors that activate the lighting systems that are used in the building; LCD wall modules that allow the opportunity to control remotely. Control panels, by arranging the lighting programme according to the user’s predetermined or automation  and building’s environment, usage habits, adjust the structure according to minimum energy-maximum efficiency. In this case, both the expected life of the building is extended, and by saving time of the user, unexpected building repairs are prevented.

Energy monitoring automation is an automation that is used to efficiently manage energy consumption and equipment, and to minimize risks and losses. It has been understood that reducing energy consumption is not only beneficial for the environment but also increases the profit rate of businesses. After implementing solutions to energy use, it is necessary to follow and make improvements to the data on energy consumption. Thus, reducing energy use will be permanent.

Lightning protection, as a principle, is to create one or more than one preferable points to catch the stroke of lightning and extinguishing this lightning by sending it to the ground through low resistive materials. With this system, it is provided not to damage the structure that is planned to be protected during the transmitting the lightning to the ground. Grounding is a vital precaution against any possible electrical leakage that can be caused by electrical devices. It is a simple system that provides the leakage of electricity to the ground through a conductor. The grounding system must be installed against the risk of electrical leakage in order not to risk human life and the lifetime of devices. Thus, the excess electrical load that may occur in the device will be given to the ground through a ground line that has low resistancy and there will be no life-threatening situation for people who touch the device.